Specification, Use and Impact of the Persuasive Serious Game S'TIM in a Rehabilitation Process for Patients with Dysexecutive Syndrome
The aim of this multidisciplinary study is to specify and develop a
Serious-Game (SG) to immerge patients with a dysexecutive syn-
drome in a virtual word. With an elaborate scenario and various
challenges, the SG we named S’TIM is used on a robotised and
easy-to-use touch table. The high stakes for patients are firstly to
break anosognosia and intrinsically motivate patients to implicate
them in their rehabilitation; Secondly to enable them to reach a
sufficient metacognition level to develop their own strategy and
select the most relevant in each context. Finally, to facilitate these
strategies transfer in daily-life. Changes in organisations will also
be observed.
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