Conference Papers The First International Conference on the Physiology and Acoustics of Singing (PAS), Groningen, The Netherlands, October 3-5 2002 Year : 2003

Acoustic perception of English in a musical context: Interactions of word-stress pattern with musical interval structure

Marc Jeannin
  • Function : Author


This article deals with the accentuation of English phonetic units in a musical context. We aim to establish some relationships between word-stress pattern and melodic interval for the perception of English. The results of a perceptive test, using a voice synthesised by Mbrola, have enabled us to refute the null hypothesis which implies that the perception of words in a musical context is independent of the configuration of word-stress pattern and melodic interval. Thus, disyllabic words with the following structure HL-Sw (High Low-Strong weak) and LH-wS (Low High-weak Strong) are better perceived than the ones with the structure LH-Sw (Low High-Strong weak) and HL-wS (High Low-weak Strong). This experiment suggests, amongst other things, that the musical configuration of acoustic parameters does influence our perception of English phonetic structures.
Cet article traite de l'accentuation des unités phonétiques de l'anglais dans un contexte musical. Il est question d'établir des relations entre le schéma accentuel phonétique et l'intervalle mélodique dans la perception de la langue anglaise. Par l'élaboration d'un test psycho-acoustique utilisant la voix de synthèse du logiciel Mbrola, nous avons pu réfuter l'hypothèse nulle selon laquelle la perception de la matière linguistique dans un contexte musical est indépendante de la configuration du schéma accentuel et de l'intervalle mélodique. En effet, les résultats des tests psycho-acoustiques prouvent que les dissyllabes de type HL-Sw (High Low-Strong weak) et LH-wS (Low High-weak Strong) sont mieux perçus que ceux de type LH-Sw (Low High-Strong weak) et HL-wS (High Low-weak Strong). Ces travaux expérimentaux suggèrent notamment que la configuration musicale des paramètres acoustiques vient véritablement influencer notre perception des structures phonétiques anglaises.
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sic_00000314 , version 1 (03-01-2003)


  • HAL Id : sic_00000314 , version 1


Marc Jeannin. Acoustic perception of English in a musical context: Interactions of word-stress pattern with musical interval structure. Jan 2003. ⟨sic_00000314⟩
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