Conference Papers Year : 2014

Electronic theses and dissertations in CRIS


Electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) represent a significant part of academic publications. They contain valuable information about academic research, in particular on research projects, institutions and experts. This information can be useful for the management of expertise and skills of persons and organisations in the current research information systems (CRIS). The paper provides an overview on projects and initiatives linking ETD and CRIS infrastructures, with empirical insight from existing systems in Slovakia, Iran and France. The paper reviews also the way the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) integrates the specific information related to ETD (results, links, second level elements, semantics...). The discussion puts the focus on metadata, interoperability and complementary material (data). The findings allow for the framing of some recommendations on the integration of ETD in CRIS.
La communication analyse l'intérêt des thèses électroniques pour les systèmes d'information de la recherche (CRIS), à partir des infrastructures en Slovaquie, en Iran et en France. Les sujets abordés : le format européen CERIF, la question des métadonnées, l'interopérabilité des systèmes et l'intégration des données de la recherche.
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sic_00993261 , version 1 (19-05-2014)


  • HAL Id : sic_00993261 , version 1


Joachim Schöpfel, Danica Zendulkova, Omid Fatemi. Electronic theses and dissertations in CRIS. CRIS 2014 12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, May 2014, Rome, Italy. ⟨sic_00993261⟩
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