Conference Papers Les Defis de la Publication sur le web: Hyperlectures, Cybertextes et meta-Editions Year : 2002

Programming As Poetry

Johnston David
  • Function : Author


in the contemporary world, the number of human languages is decreasing, while programming language are proliferating. This shift in the balance, for those humans whose capabilities draw them toward language-based play, is creating a migration toward the vivid daunting hyper-entropic evolutionary fields of creating computer code. Human poems are for emails or listservs; computer poems are for the compiler and CPU. Integrating ethical imagination into code, a new generation of programmer-poets are implementing hybrid forms that move beyond ancient dichotomies.
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sic_00000239 , version 1 (25-11-2002)


  • HAL Id : sic_00000239 , version 1


Johnston David. Programming As Poetry. Les Defis de la Publication sur le web: Hyperlectures, Cybertextes et meta-Editions, Oct 2002. ⟨sic_00000239⟩
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