Conference Papers Bucarest 2003 Year : 2003

La médiatisation de la pandémie de Sida à la télévision française (1985-2000)

Jean-Claude Soulages


The object of this research commanded by the European Community was to understand the mechanisms and the efficiency of the discourses of prevention both explicit (officials campaigns toward the public) and others type of discourses which are broadcasted to inform people through the mass media in order to form professionals of health care. During several years it is realy an instrumentation of TV programs which appears bringing cognitive contributions and sharing emotionnals ressources with the TV audience. Rather than the objective discourse of information brought by the classical TV journalism, an other type of speech mixing testimony and private advices has taken place, and apparently with more success. ß The turning point in public opinion of the scandal and a real change in the way to see the disease and the people. The event is amplified and the plight is constructed as nearer. It is no more the disease of other people (homosexual, toxicomane)
L'objet de cette recherche est la couverture de la pandémie de Sida par la télévision française à la demande de la CEE. Cette couverture fait apparaître un changement du regard médiatique à la suite de "l'affaire du sang contaminé" et un apprivoisement de la maladie. Le média va servir dès cet instant de caisse de résonance à la sensibilisation aux problèmes liés à la maladie qui petit à petit va traverser tous les genres télévisuels.
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sic_00000781 , version 1 (23-10-2003)


  • HAL Id : sic_00000781 , version 1


Jean-Claude Soulages. La médiatisation de la pandémie de Sida à la télévision française (1985-2000). X° Colloque bilatéral franco-roumain, CIFSIC Université de Bucarest, 28 juin – 3 juillet 2003, Oct 2003. ⟨sic_00000781⟩
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